(Translated using ChatGPT, manually controlled)


Lecturer in Journalism, specializing in research and investigative journalism (Permanent position)

  • Course coordinator for courses in data journalism and investigative journalism at undergraduate and master’s levels.

Researcher, TV4/Nyhetsbolaget (Permanent position)

  • Developed materials, news content, and research for TV4’s local and national news.

Researcher, Kaliber, Sveriges Radio (Various fixed-term contracts)

Researcher, Uppdrag granskning, SVT (Project-based employment)

Researcher, Mediemagasinet, SVT (Project-based employment)

Researcher, Sveriges Radio, various editorial teams, primarily Ekot (Various fixed-term contracts)


2024: Introduction to AI, 2 ECTS credits, Linköping University
2024: Crafts, Design, and Sustainable Development, 7.5 ECTS credits, Umeå University
2023: Databases 1: Database Modeling and SQL, 7.5 ECTS credits, Luleå University of Technology
2023: Higher Education Pedagogy 3, University of Gothenburg (Incomplete)
2022: Higher Education Pedagogy 2, University of Gothenburg
2020: Basic Business Accounting: Accounting Beyond Debits and Credits, 7.5 ECTS credits, Mälardalen University
2019: Pedagogy and Project Management, 7.5 ECTS credits, Örebro University (Incomplete)
2016: Preparatory Course in Programming and Computational Thinking, 3 ECTS credits, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
2015: Programming and Problem-Solving with Python, 7.5 ECTS credits, Blekinge Institute of Technology (Incomplete)
2014: Higher Education Pedagogy 1, 5 ECTS credits, University of Gothenburg
2010: Applied Statistics: Collecting and Summarizing Data, 7.5 ECTS credits, University West
1999–2002: Journalism Program, 150 ECTS credits, University of Gothenburg
1996–1999: Various foundational courses at the University of Gothenburg, including Women’s History, Swedish and Nordic Languages, and Latin American Studies.
1996–1999: Specially designed upper secondary school program, Burgårdens Gymnasium, Gothenburg


2008: Ikaros Award for the investigation ”Friska pengar – sjuka intyg” (Healthy Money – Sick Certificates) with Nuri Kino and Jonas Magnusson
2006: Nominated for the Guldspaden award in two categories—National Radio and Large Newspaper—for Illegal Gambling Machines, Kaliber, P1 in collaboration with Göteborgs-Posten, with Mikael Funke, Kristina Hedberg, Per Nygren, Anki Weigle, David Gustafsson, and Niklas Maupoix
2003: Guldspaden award for 2002 for the investigation “The Prison Service: From Care and Rehabilitation to Higher Fences and Task Forces” with Matilda Uusijärvi Ek


2024: Roundtable discussion with educators in data journalism at Dataharvest, Mechelen, Belgium
2024: Panel discussion on AI—Challenges and Opportunities for Investigative Journalism, Grävseminariet, Gävle
2024: Workshops on PowerQuery and Scraping, Grävseminariet, Gävle
2023: Session on scraping at Dataharvest, Mechelen, Belgium
2023: Sessions on Excel and related topics at Grävseminariet, Karlstad
2021–2024: Lectures at JMK, Stockholm University, on data journalism and Excel
2022: Lectures on statistics and web scraping at Dataharvest, Mechelen, Belgium
2021: Sessions on Excel and related topics at Grävseminariet, Borås
2021: Session on teaching data journalism at the European Journalism Training Association (EJTA) conference
2020: Session on hybrid teaching at the Nordic Journalism Educators Network (Nordjour) conference
2019: Excel courses for Westum through Zocom
2016: Session on Excel at Grävseminariet, Gothenburg
2014: Course by the Association of Investigative Journalists (FGJ) on investigating politicians due to upcoming election
2013: Sessions on Excel and related topics at Grävseminariet, Gothenburg
2008: Sessions on Excel and related topics at Grävseminariet, Gothenburg


2024–present: Member of the Departmental Council at JMG, University of Gothenburg
2022–present: Member of the Guldspaden jury
2020/2021: Member of the organizing team for Grävseminariet, Borås
2019: Board member, Publicistklubben Väst
2016: Member of the organizing team for Grävseminariet, Gothenburg
2013: Member of the organizing team for Grävseminariet, Gothenburg
2009: Board member of the Association of Investigative Journalists (FGJ)

Delivers lectures in Swedish and English. Speak Spanish.

Updated: December 26, 2024